Scuola Calcio - or perhaps in this case Fotbollsprofil in Swedish - works as an academic school program for students in the selected schools of the Municipality of Nynäshamn - being the first international program of its kind in the history of Sweden giving the students unqiue opportunities to practice professionally in connection to school hours all year round. The program is designed to develop highly skilled youth players to the main academy in Milano with high purpose on the field - as in life. The long journey of growing in an AC Milan environment from the early ages in middle school all the way up to the high school by learning the methodology, italian languge, disciplines and behaviors at the highest youth professional level and education. The program is fully sponsored and free of cost for all participating students.
All players are working on an individual plan - while still playing for a local club - towards future careers step goals. The program is demanding a lot of matureness and self focus from each player in order to succeed as much as possible on working those extra hours combined with local club training and school education.
The high school offers their students to study Italian during all three years, which means most of all training sessions and communications are held in Italian by the coaches. This kind makes it the first international academy of AC Milan to do so and the first in history of Sweden as well on the same note.
For high school students from outiside the region of Stockholm, or even for those who live far north from the city, can apply for student housing - a facility specific for high school athletes. For more information please visit the High School section.
Bellow you will find the application process of getting selected to the academy 'Fotbollsprofil' and one of the selected public schools in Nynäshamn
The High School group are practicing up to every school day in group and individually - adapted to their individual plan - including also theory, video analysis, running & sprinting technique, strenght and coordination sessions, mental preparation, periodical training planning and Italian language - all connected to the school hours. The main purpose is to enhance the player's skill set in order to be able to play in the higher divisions nationally through its own local club or internationally by try-outs
Each player will be guided by all the aspects of the AC Milan methodology on a three year basis - a large program hence the amount of training sessions per week - in order to complete all aspects at a high level and have developed as much possible before graduating. All students will learn Italian in football terms how to communicate with each other on the field and also understand instructions in Italian in order to broad their language knowledge
The entire program is free of chrage for all student players
The student will be graded by the following courses of 300 points
1st year Specialidrott 1
2nd year Specialidrott 2
3rd year Träningslära 1
As well in the Italian language course of 100-200 points
1st - 3rd year Moderna Språk Italienska
Tap on player to read profile & scroll
Theory sessions are a specific subject from the club's methodology and research in youth football that encompass the following areas to cover all fundamental aspects in the youth development
The student housing facility is within the Kvarnängen Sport Center area and next to the indoor facility. The housing is combined with the other high school sports students such as Ice Hockey or Tennis with single rooms of 23kvm that has own bathrooms and pentry kitchen. A combined section with single rooms and shared bathrooms and kitchen are available too. When applying for the high school try-out please send a separate email to with a request of interest of the student housing for more specific information
Application for born 2010 will open 1st of October 2025
Make sure you have made a valid application to be confirmed for the try-out process. Try-outs and interviews will take place from October of 2025 and further on until last spot is closed.
Please contact administration staff for possible availability of enrollment at high school
The Middle School program is an introdcution and preparation course to the High School program the all players will develop a deep technical and tactical foundation for three years in order to be at a high efficient level when starting high school. The following middle public school are selectable in the program
The group is practicing 2-3 morning sessions a week that also encompass theory sessions, video analysis, injury prevention, diet & sleep and Italian language
All sessions are given in Swedish with some Italian language
The entire program is free of chrage for all students players
All the theory sessions are an introduction to the High School program over three years from 7th Grade to 9tn Grade and are given on monthly basis in connection to the weekly football practice schedule and the following areas are conducted in the program
The sport center is fully equipped and located in an isolated and quiet green environment only 40 min by car and 50 min by train from the Stockholm Central Station
Bella (2006) in year grade 9th practicing with the female AC Milan U19 team in december 2021 in Milano
Jonatan (2007) in year grade 9th practicing with the AC Monza U16 team in May 2023
Jonatan (2007) & Edis (2008) in high school Nynäshamns Gymnasium practicing with the LR Vicenza U19 team in December 2024
Emil, Nico & Jack (2004) in high school Nynäshamns Gymnasium practicing Feralpisalo U19 team in December 2021 and visiting AC Milan headquarters and youth training center
Scouting can be directly to the academy in Sweden for a fixed spot in the middle or high school group - or to be repported back to the headquarters in Milano of being an interessting prospect for both youth male and female teams in Italy
In connection of try-outs are opportunities of educational and cultural visit to the AC Milan Youth Center, visiting Milanello, watching game at San Siro, exploring the headquarter Casa Milan and its digital museum of the club's history - or perhaps meeting some of the legendary AC Milan players
The Italian language in fundamental in the club's education but also a knowledge tool for the kids in their future lives. All students will learn football related words and frases in Italian that will be frequently used in the training sessions and year by year the Italian language will be used mainly to communicate on the field. All high school students has Italian as a language course to learn more deeply the grammar and how to communicate. For those students will Italian mainly be held during the training sessions but as well in communications off the field.
We do not accept try-out requests nor other of its kind through email, those request needs to be sent by the high school or middle school application process
Via Aldo Rossi 8, 20149 Milano, Italy
Kvarnängens IP, Nynäshamn
Stockholm, Sweden
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